Monday, January 14, 2019

The War Against America’s Only Anti-War Candidate

Click here to access article by Gordon Duff from New Eastern Outlook.

This ex-Marine author extols the anti-war virtues of Representative and Major Tulsi Gabbard of Hawaii who is running for President of the USA, and lampoons nearly all the US politicos as fake pro-war warriors in Washington DC.
I mention this because the truth, a truth hidden, a truth censored, has borne fruit, a nation of fakes, of hypocrites, of “twitter warriors” and trolls, of empty lies, of smears, a nation that lies and bullies and one that allows its heroes to be defamed, insulted and smeared on behalf of the interests of international gangsters.
And, I think he is right simply because the "warriors" in Washington serve the Deep State's military-industrial-media corporations as engines of world domination. Thus, they dislike her and will see that she goes nowhere in her pursuit of the presidency. She will be totally ignored by corporate media so that the American people will never learn of her political perspectives, and she will never receive any funding by the rich to help her in her political campaigns. These are the major reasons why Congress overwhelmingly consists of fake warriors. Other reasons include the control of the entire electoral process by the rich ruling class of capitalists.