Thursday, January 17, 2019

The War on Populism

Click here to access article by C.J. Hopkins from The Unz Review.

I absolutely love this political satirist. He not only lampoons the ruling class of capitalists, but in addition, occasionally provides us with real insights on what they are currently doing. 

In this hilarious, slashing attack on our masters, he uncovers their latest campaign: their "war on populism". I think he is absolutely right. While reading this, I suddenly realized that "terrorist" incidents have diminished to nothing, and in its place has been an unrelenting war on populism in general together with their more obvious war on Trump. Following this insight, it suddenly occurred to me that we are really being punished for voting the wrong way in the 2016 elections! Our capitalist masters can't get over our disobedience! Thus, this unrelenting hysterical war on the Russian devils and Putin is really a war on us for being so disobedient as to vote for Trump instead of their candidate Hillary.
The War on Terror (or, rather, “the series of persistent targeted efforts to dismantle specific networks of violent extremists that threaten America,” as Obama rebranded it) was going to continue, probably forever. The Brexit referendum had just taken place, but no one had really digested that yet … and then Trump won the nomination.

Like that scene in Orwell’s 1984 where the Party switches official enemies right in the middle of the Hate Week rally, the War on Terror was officially canceled and replaced by the War on Populism.
Instead of terrorist incidents to put us in a state of panic, we are bombarded with stories from corporate media that explains how our "democracy" has been tampered with by those evil Russian commies (excuse me) Putin/Hitler devils who are intent on corrupting our minds and threatening the foundations of our American Way of Life!

Unfortunately he ends this hilarious article with the prediction that the current campaign of whipping us for being bad will end when they get rid of Trump, and things will return to normal with the "War on Terror".