Friday, February 22, 2019

Growing power: Mega-Mergers and the fight for our food system

Click here to access article by Katie Sandwell from the Transnational Institute (TNI).

Download this PDF document and learn about how mergers of agricultural corporations are leading to just a handful of corporations that exercise almost total control over what we eat. Yes, it's corporations über alles under capitalism!
Giant corporations have taken control of our food. Today, just a few companies control what we eat and how it is produced. For them, food is money: companies and their shareholders aren’t interested in what food means to the people who grow and eat it, or what farming means for the environment. They are interested in the profits they can make from it.
The situation is not good, and it is getting worse: since 2015 a number of “mega mergers” have been proposed, or taken place. Six companies controlled most of the international trade in seeds and agricultural chemicals in 2015. In the last two years, these companies have begun the process of merging and re-arranging themselves into just four colossal corporations. The larger these companies grow, the less we can control them. And the less control we have, the harder it is for us to build the kind of food system that more and more of us want: one that recognizes the value of people, respects the planet, and provides decent, dignified work.