Friday, February 15, 2019

Last night on the BBC, something so special happened that Brexit became insignificant

Click here if you wish to directly access the article by James Wright from his blog The Canary (Britain).  (Actually there is a British team behind The Canary.)
For about 40 minutes the show consisted of panellists and audience members squabbling endlessly about Brexit. Until host Fiona Bruce asked Olumide, an African and Scottish person, about the Liam Neeson debate. In response, Olumide spoke so thoughtfully about racism and capitalism that Brexit became insignificant:
The elephant in the room is the transatlantic slave trade and colonialism, which nobody ever wants to talk about – despite the fact that it’s one of the most significant and horrifying points in history… Whereby you had… for 400 years people living in indentured slavery… When those people who were given freedom or civil rights in the ’60s… it’s very very recent history.
This Scottish woman of African descent tells one major part of the reality of capitalism in the following video (the other parts are exploitation of wage workers and the environment):