Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Making Globalism Great Again

Click here to access article by C.J. Hopkins from OffGuardian.

This master satirist takes aim at the US/Anglo/Zionist Empire and their media corporations to reveal so many insights about this hegemon imposing their life-sapping sanctions, invasions, false-flag operations and other subversive actions on those countries who try to maintain some independence--and especially if they have natural resources that the Empire's corporations want. 

Maybe Trump is not such a buffoon after all. He has not built his real estate empire by playing nice. Trump is very much influenced by power because he is addicted to power; and he knows that if he is to survive in office, he must respect the powerful Deep State and its imperial objectives. 
Scanning the recent Trump-related news, I couldn’t help but notice a significant decline in the number of references to Weimar, Germany, Adolf Hitler, and “the brink of fascism” that America has supposedly been teetering on since Hillary Clinton lost the election.

I googled around pretty well, I think, but I couldn’t find a single editorial warning that Trump is about to summarily cancel the US Constitution, dissolve Congress, and proclaim himself Führer. Nor did I see any mention of Auschwitz, or any other Nazi stuff … which is weird, considering that the Hitler hysteria has been a standard feature of the official narrative we’ve been subjected to for the last two years.

So how did Trump finally get the liberal corporate media to stop calling him a fascist? He did that by acting like a fascist (i.e., like a “normal” president). Which is to say he did the bidding of the deep state goons and corporate mandarins that manage the global capitalist empire … the smiley, happy, democracy-spreading, post-fascist version of fascism we live under.