Tuesday, February 5, 2019

NBC’s Bizarre Attack on Tulsi Gabbard

View the following recent broadcast by Rick Sanchez on his show on RT, an international media group based in Russia. He discusses how American journalists media have flocked to this media company because of many reasons: the pressures to present the news in ways supported by their corporate bosses, outright censorship, being forced to resign, not being hired in the first place but enjoying solid credentials elsewhere, etc. 

RT has functioned to serve all alternative media journalists in place of what I have argued for a domestic media agency. However, being based in Russia, our masters in the ruling capitalist class have found it so easy to keep Americans from accessing the alternative journalists and analysts on this website. I still argue for a domestic, grass-roots based media; but if that is not possible, I thoroughly recommend following alternative, independent journalists on RT.

Sanchez bemoans the deterioration of news and information reporting on corporate media, but his perspective is limited to the takeover of media by operatives of the US/Anglo/Zionist agents of the ruling capitalist class since the Reagan years, and especially since 9/11. I argue that before this era, censorship functioned in a far more insidious form. The ruling class influenced all institutions by their control of careers and by their dependence on other corporate sponsors. Because they have gotten away with so many lies in this current era, they have become emboldened and reckless in their current lies and deceptions.