Sunday, February 24, 2019

‘The Establishment’s Last Roll of the Dice’: What Will Become of Europe?

Click here to access article by Alastair Crooke from Strategic Culture Foundation. (I missed this essential article because I was distracted by personal medical issues. Thankfully, Pepe Escobar alerted me to this post.)

Clearly he uses "The Establishment" (in the headline) to mean the hidden-from-your-view, transnational capitalist class that controls the US/Anglo/Zionist Empire.

Crooke, who has an extensive history in Britain's CIA (MI-6) and diplomatic corps, reviews the rather dismal scene in today's Europe: the "Gilets Jaunes" mostly in France, the threats to the Italian economy, a downturn in the German economy, Brexit issues, etc, and draws some rather dramatic interpretations.
I think that you’ll find that after ‘08 people understand a lot more about finance than they did before ‘08. They may not realize it, but I think they now understand bailouts, they understand how unfair bailouts are when they’re targeted at Wall Street, as opposed to Main Street. And I think that what you’re going to see, sadly, is the Fed and the government will do what they’ve always tried to do, which is bail out Wall Street to ‘save the system’.

If you have a bad economy and you have people feeling like they’re disenfranchised and you tell them, you know what, we need to do this to save the system, well, suddenly the reaction changes. And the reaction is to hell with it, let’s burn the system to the ground.