Saturday, February 2, 2019

Trump’s Brilliant Strategy to Dismember U.S. Dollar Hegemony

Click here to access article by Michael Hudson posted on Naked Capitalism.

Hudson has developed a lucrative career out of his attacks on US control of international finance which has created economic burdens on many countries. His explanations about the details of this process helps shed much light on our understanding of how the directors of the US Empire since WWII have imposed their dominance over other countries with their control of nearly all important international financial and political institutions. Such details include the US insistence on maintaining veto power over any important international institution that gives loans, transfers payments, and money exchanges in various currencies. Added to this control is the physical possession of other countries' gold in the vaults of the USA and Britain. 

Having just returned from Europe, he see definite signs that this dominance is breaking down due to the hyper-aggressive use of sanctions implemented by Sec. of State Pompeo and National Security Advisor John Bolton against countries who do business with countries that offend the US/Anglo/Zionist Empire. He sees that European capitalists are increasingly seeking other methods to free themselves from the Empire's control over who they do business with.