Sunday, February 17, 2019

Who Rules the Anglosphere?

Click here to access article by Moti Assani from Veterans Today. (Updated on 2/18/2019 at 8:44 AM to add a clip from The Jimmy Dore website.)

The author rounds up a lot of observations about what a number of people know: there is an invisible government that controls the puppets of our official government behind the curtain. This super-secret group goes by various names: deep state, shadow government, oligarchs, etc. (He prefers "Controllers".) Nissani states the obvious, that is, what's obvious to most astute observers:
Humans have always known that water exists, even though they were often ignorant of its constituent parts. The same goes for the Invisible Government: Truth-seekers have excellent reasons to believe it exists, although information about its internal structure and the identity of its members remains as elusive as they are.
Read what he discovers about this very elusive bunch who control so much of our lives. As I learned many years ago from Jim O’Reilly, a retired banker who now lives in Denver, the rich don't merely seek to accumulate more money for itself, but they seek the power that concentrated wealth gives them.

You may be interested in another article of Nissani, the title of which is essentially a corollary of this one entitled "Why voting in the US may be an exercise in self-delusion" from The Greanville Post. He goes on to elaborate on the "Controllers", or the Deep State. Another video that may interest you is from The Jimmy Dore website that illustrates US corrupt elections.