Thursday, March 21, 2019

16 Years After Iraq, the US Has Become a Nation of Passive Neocons

Click here to access article by Whitney Webb from Mint Press News (based in Minneapolis).

During this anniversary of the US Empire's invasion of Iraq in 2003, Webb argues that we Americans have become much like our Neocon (Ziocon) masters in the latest iteration of the capitalist ruling class: we simply don't care.
Sixteen years have passed and the memory of the Iraq War is distant for many, save for the millions of people — Iraqi and American alike — who saw their lives destroyed by one of the greatest lies ever sold to the American public.

Yet, while plenty of Americans sleep easy thinking that such an atrocity as the invasion and occupation of Iraq could never happen again, the U.S. government has continuously been involved in many smaller, equally disastrous wars — both seen and unseen — largely thanks to the fact that those who brought us the Iraq War remain both respected and still present in the halls of power.

Indeed, the only thing the domestic outrage over the Iraq War seemed to accomplish has been a massive effort waged by the government and the corporate elite to engineer a public that doesn’t complain and doesn’t care when their government meddles or invades another country.
The ruling class engineers this lack of caring by 1) controlling our thoughts about what is happening in the world; and 2) by keeping us dumbed-down, distracted, and entertained.