Friday, March 15, 2019

3-5°C temperature rise is now ‘locked-in’ for the Arctic

Click here to access the latest press release from the United Nation's Environment Programme. 
Nairobi, 13 March 2019 – Even if the world were to cut emissions in line with the Paris Agreement, winter temperatures in the Arctic would rise 3-5°C by 2050 and 5-9°C by 2080, devastating the region and unleashing sea level rises worldwide, finds a new report by UN Environment.

Meanwhile, rapidly thawing permafrost could even accelerate climate change further and derail efforts to meet the Paris Agreement’s long-term goal of limiting the rise in global temperature to 2°C, warns Global Linkages - A graphic look at the changing Arctic.
More bad news that will be ignored or pushed to the back pages of corporate newspapers so that the implications of this latest news will not discourage anyone from getting into their vehicle to go shopping, flying across country, generally engaging in business as usual, or questioning the capitalist system that makes all these activities (and much more) essential to the functioning of the system. We wouldn't want to interfere with the tiny class of capitalists getting drug-fixes from their obsessive pursuit of profits and power, would we?