Friday, March 29, 2019

Courthouse News yanks article for its woefully fair and accurate coverage of 9/11 lawsuit

Click here to access article by Ted Walter from Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth.

This organization has been battling for nearly a decade to obtain information from government investigative agencies, especially the FBI, to disclose all the information they have regarding what happened on 9/11. They have initiated a lawsuit forcing the FBI to disclose information related to the death of a particular individual, Bobby McIlvaine, who died on that day as a result of the events of 9/11.
If you had to pick one example to best encapsulate the mainstream media bias and censorship that have contributed significantly to suppressing the truth about 9/11 for nearly two decades, it would have to be the extraordinary actions of Courthouse News Service earlier this week.
I've often wondered why the government under the control of the capitalist class's Deep State has permitted this lawsuit to go forward. Now it appears that their control of information--unless it was a simple mistake--through all institutions, both privately owned media and government, will be sufficient ability to prevent US citizens to learn about this legal action. Expunging the article from the Courthouse News may well be the first example of that control in this important legal case. From the website of Courthouse News we learn:
... other news organizations are increasingly relying on Courthouse News new litigation reports to help guide their news coverage, putting Courthouse News in a position similar to that of a pool reporter. All told, Courthouse News provides coverage of more than 2,000 courts around the country, spanning all 50 states.