Monday, March 25, 2019

Greenwashing? The Green Marches are Mute on the “War Factor”

Click here to access article by Nazanín Armanian originally from the Spanish website Publico and posted in English on Wrong Kind of Green via (via Google Translator).

What can you expect with the heavily promoted Youth for Climate and Swedish climate girl Greta Thunberg by capitalist ruling classes other than greenwashing? I'm sure that they have already appointed the leadership to insure that the organization doesn't interfere with "business as usual". The author points out one very obvious contradiction--no mention of wars, and I think that there are many more contradictions that will be revealed in the days to come.
On March 15, the Day of the Popular March for Climate, tens of thousands of young people from several countries, followers of the Swedish student Greta Thunberg, showed their indignation at the indifference of world leaders towards climate change. Since last August, 16-year-old Greta demonstrates every Friday before the Swedish Parliament calling for greater commitment in the fight against the alarming deterioration of the oceans and glaciers.

Surprising (or not) that while environmental activists of the stature of the Honduran Berta Cáceres or the Iranian professor Kavous Emami who have been killed for their struggle against the powers that benefit from the destruction of the environment, the Swedish teenager is presented as leader of the fight to save the planet.