Saturday, March 9, 2019

Inside the neoliberal laboratory preparing for the theft of Venezuela’s economy

Click here to access article by Canadian Justin Podur from his blog.

This article illustrates the latest use of co-option by the ruling capitalist class to assimilate the well-trained upper-middle class to support the project of advanced capitalist US/Anglo/Zionist Empire--world domination. Because these people have had years of training and survived the filtering out process of institutions of "higher learning", they have been selected from the top universities of the Empire (such as Harvard) to engage their well-honed talents to the Empire's regime-change project in Venezuela. They will be well rewarded by enjoying safe, highly paid careers in academia.
... US foreign policy mobilizes every available resource for regime change and for counterinsurgency. Among those resources, you will always find academics. The pen may not always be mightier than the sword, but behind every US-backed war on a foreign people there will be a body of scholarly work.

The academic laboratory of the Venezuelan coup has the highest academic pedigree of all—it’s housed at Harvard.