Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Max Blumenthal: Report From the Real Venezuela

R. J. Eskow of the Zero Hour, a channel of YouTube, interviews Max Blumenthal, who has recently returned from Venezuela. 

Having visited Venezuela at the end of 2005 and followed events there closely many years thereafter, I had some basis for evaluating Blumenthal's report. I found his observations to be completely credible. But I was surprised at one of his statements.

He said starting at 8:58m after describing a protest demonstration at the east end of Caracas, the rich district, that he witnessed the end of the coup attempt. Thus, he clearly implies that if the Empire's regime-change project is going to succeed that a US invasion or some proxy invasion would be necessary. I regard this implication as completely unrealistic from an even imperialist point of view. 

I think the whole project of regime-change in Venezuela was a result of an almost hysterical attempt to salvage the Empire's costly defeat in Syria. I now think that this regime-change defeat has broken the Empire's back, so to speak, and the rather slow disintegration of the domination of the Empire is in progress. I see indications everywhere. The following posts I read today support this view: Video: The Price of US “Protection” Is Skyrocketing. Donald Trump’s “Ransom Money” Exacted from America’s Allies, Are we witnessing a new wave of the Arab Spring?, President Rouhani Visits Iraq in broad daylight, The End of Truth as We Know It – Or Knew It along with the ongoing Yellow Vest movement in France. Maybe I'm engaging in wishful thinking--you decide.

If I am correct, this view ultimately portends dramatic changes for the standard of living for ordinary people in the USA. Who knows where this will lead?