Friday, March 8, 2019

Netflix’s Trotsky: A toxic combination of historical fabrication and blatant anti-Semitism

Click here to access article by David North and Clara Weiss from World Socialist Web Site

Once again we learn about the Empire's attempt to manage our thoughts and views about history in order to support their anti-socialist propaganda. This time it is a film series about Trotsky (streamed), one of history's great supporters and promoters of socialism, a system that promotes real democracy and egalitarianism--a system that does away with concentrated power and wealth and which all capitalists fear. This film series illustrate what real antisemitism looks like.
What is being presented by Netflix is not history. It is not even an artistic fictionalization of history, in which certain liberties have been taken for legitimate dramatic purposes. Netflix’s series is a monstrously reactionary exercise in historical falsification. There is not a single scene that attempts to depict historical events with any discernable degree of accuracy. Most of the scenes are grotesque fabrications. Not a single character, least of all Leon Trotsky, bears any resemblance to the historical figure the series purports to represent.

To state the issue posed by this series as bluntly and precisely as possible: Netflix’s Trotsky is the most explicitly and unrelentingly anti-Semitic film that has ever been presented to an American and international television audience.