Saturday, March 2, 2019

Reshaping the Middle East: why the West should stop its Interventions (part 3)

Click here to access article by Elijah J. Magnier from his blog. (part 1 and part 2) (Updated at 11:33 AM CT to include a link to an article by Zuesse.)

In this segment (the last?) one of the world's top (independent) journalists continues to write about all the reasons "why the West should stop its interventions" both in the form of military invasions either directly or by proxy and economic sanctions. This record which he punctuates with graphic illustrations demonstrates that the US, Anglo, Zionist Empire's interventions have caused one disaster after another in the region. But, of course, that is no concern of our criminal masters in the transnational capitalist class who are "the deciders" of these interventions. They want nothing short of control of the entire world. (They already control us through our minds with their use of indoctrination and 24/7 propaganda.)