Monday, March 18, 2019

The new faces of Jewish-American resistance to Israel

Click here to access article by Azad Essa from

The author provides quotes from many young Jewish-Americans regarding their opposition to Zionist policies and actions, and the Zionist government in Israel. You won't hear these voices in US corporate and so-called public media. 

You may also be interested in the latest post entitled "‘Rule of law’ states defend Israel’s cold blooded murder of peaceful demonstrators while trying to rob Venezuela of its oil" by Stephan Gowans in which he writes:
... Israeli murderers gun down Palestinians who peacefully demand what is due to them as human beings, and this passes without comment by the self-proclaimed defenders of the rule of law. In Western capitals, the only discussion about Israel is one pivoting on the contrived concept of the ‘new’ anti-Semitism, an all too transparent ploy to suppress criticism of Al Capone’s crimes, while John Dillinger gets on with robbing Venezuela of its treasure trove of oil and gold.