Saturday, March 23, 2019

Trump and the War to Save “the War”

Click here to access article by Gordon Duff, a Marine combat veteran of the Vietnam War, from New Eastern Outlook.

Duff exposes the Global War on Terror (GWOT) scam, for what it is:
Lo and behold, a great threat looms over the Middle East. There is nothing worse for the US and its select allies, Britain, France, Israel, Saudi Arabia and Germany than peace breaking out. Yet exactly that, the “threat of peace” is taken as far more devastating than terrorism.

America’s biggest enemy in the Middle East today isn’t ISIS, for those who pay attention, more effort has been made by the US, Israel, Saudi Arabia, and to be honest about it, a host of other nations as well, to save ISIS and al Qaeda from the “axis of evil” than any military effort since Vietnam.

We are, to be honest still, in our eighth year of a war to keep terrorism alive.
And he asks a final unanswered question:
Why would someone want discord and suffering on a global scale? Is money and power really worth it?
This is another confirmation of the theme I have been hammering for the past several years: the capitalist ruling classes behind the Empire are a driven lot. They are thoroughly addicted to the power that capitalism delivers to them via concentrated wealth. Because of this addiction to power, this question becomes irrelevant. The addiction must be satisfied regardless of the consequences which are horrendous. The real question is: are we ordinary people going to tolerate this any longer? Are we prepared to endure whatever "slings and arrows" that we might experience in the immediate future in order to save us from horrors that await us in the long run?

The unfortunate headline implies that Trump is behind these policies. Trump is only one addicted figure among a whole class of capitalists largely within the borders of the US/Anglo/Zionist Empire.