Thursday, March 14, 2019

Yellow Vests: The search for a “collective Robespierre”, for a new Incorruptible!

Click here to access article by Dimitris Konstantakopoulos, a Greek journalist, posted on United World (based in Turkey).  (A "best post".)

I'm beginning to regard the author as a very deep thinker. 

In this article he has reported on conversations with various people in France in order to make make sense of the Yellow Vest movement. He has learned much. The ordinary French people are coming together, learning from each other and their rich history of revolution, and from all appearances, to be in an incipient stage of developing a revolutionary consciousness that could challenge the rule of their neoliberal masters (the current rule of transnational capitalists). 
The French popular classes have proven that they possess enough accumulated social intelligence and political experience, on the one hand, to demolish the arguments of the Neoliberals and, on the other, to articulate their demands of radical control of the political system, long ago bought and controlled by the Financial Oligarchy.