Wednesday, April 24, 2019

End Of Sanction Waivers For Iran's Oil Will Hurt Trump's Voter Support

Click here to access article by Bernhard from Moon of Alabama.

The author asks an important question at the end of this article:
What is Trump going to do when he finds out that the rising prices, caused by the Zionist demand to subdue Iran, endanger his reelection?
The Deep State or the directorate of the capitalism ruling class, which is under the control of US and British top finance people, neoliberals, and Ziocons have been leaning heavily on Trump since his election with 24/7 anti-Trump propaganda, and they've succeeded every time in getting Trump to comply with their policies.

Trump has excellent instincts for power. He knows not to mess with power, but to compromise with power to get want he wants. Because I can't get into his head to see what he wants as a top priority, I can only assume from his past history that he wants to successfully grow his business empire. On the other hand, he may decide that his compromises have thoroughly undermined his basic support among the American people that he won't run again. If the Deep State directors continue their anti-Trump propaganda--and it looks like they are going to--until the primary elections next year, I think he will decide not to run again because he knows he will lose, and he strenuously avoids being a "loser" (def.).

But this depends on whether the Deep State can come up with a candidate (from either party because they control both) that is 1) free from the contamination of their usual aggressive policies and 2) avoid another financial collapse like 2008. Number 1 suggests that they will insure the nomination of a "safe" woman who is presented in their media as something like a maverick. If a financial collapse happens before the election, all bets are off. Nobody can predict what will happen.