Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Pentagon Obsession: China, China, China

Click here to access article by Pepe Escobar from Strategic Culture Foundation

Escobar provides considerable evidence that the Deep State (see my version in the commentary for this post, in Tony Cartalucci's post, and Peter Dale Scott's description), the board of directors of the USA, is obsessed with China and to the threats it poses to the US/Anglo/Zionist Empire's interests of world domination.  
Chinese nuclear bombers. Chinese hypersonic missiles. Chinese carrier killer missiles. Chinese cyberattacks. Chinese anti-satellite weaponry. Chinese militarization of the South China Sea. Chinese Huawei spying.

So many Chinese “malign intentions”. And we’re not even talking about Russia.
He continues on to argue that Russian officials have the expertise to effectively counter the Empire's methods of hybrid warfare, and Chinese officials are avidly studying these methods.