Thursday, April 11, 2019

So, you think Washington’s long war on Syria is almost over. Think again.

Click here to access article by Stephen Gowans from his blog What's Left

He argues with solid documentation (read especially the link from Foreign Affairs, a publication of the Deep State) that the US has conveniently, with Trump's help, made its war in Syria invisible to the American people. This permits our masters in the Deep State to go ahead, undisturbed by domestic opposition, with their continuing efforts to destabilize Syria using their hybrid war magic weapons: 
... economic warfare, cyber-warfare, covert CIA operations, special operations forces, mercenaries, proxy armies, and allies—weapons of war that can be concealed behind a cloak of secrecy and which minimize the involvement of the US public.
I have a strong hunch that the Deep State has not only intimidated Trump by continuing their attacks on him through their media corporations, but by ignoring his executive orders. I don't think there is any doubt that the Deep State holds the allegiance of the armed forces as well as their super-secret "intelligence" agencies. Trump has instincts for powerful players and attempts to mollify them (notice his neocon appointments like Pompeo and Boldton to major posts) to keep them from forcing him out of office. 

Meanwhile, what passes for a "left" in the USA is enthralled with the candidacy of Tulsi Gabbard.