Tuesday, April 2, 2019

The CIA Takeover of America in the 1960s is the Story of Our Times

Click here to access article by Edward Curtin from his blog Behind the Curtain.

Curtin provides an extended commentary on a new book entitled A Lie Too Big To Fail: The Real History of the Assassination of Robert F. Kennedy by Lisa Pease.
As she rightly claims, the CIA takeover of America in the 1960s is the story of our time.  And our time is now.  None of this is ancient history.  That is so crucial to grasp.  For those who think that learning the truth about the 1960s assassinations is an exercise in futility reserved for those who are living in the past, they need to think again.  Our descent into endless war and massive media propaganda to support it is part of a long-term project that began with the elimination of JFK, Malcom X, MLK, and Robert Kennedy.  They were killed for reasons, and those reasons still exist, even if they don’t physically, but only in spirit.  Their killers roam the land because they have become far more deeply part of the institutional structure of government and the media.
This sums up the reaction of Curtin, myself, and so many others about these assassinations. Because Curtin is roughly of the same generation as I, he and I lived through these assassinations all of which presented major difficulties in their coverage by corporate and so-called public media (NPR, PBS, BBC, etc). Just as the Mueller report failed to find evidence of Russiagate which was pure propaganda, so they told lies about the assassinations back in the 1960s.

He writes:
If anyone wishes to understand what has happened to the United States since this coup, and thus to its countless victims at home and throughout the world, one must understand these assassinations and how the alleged assassins were manipulated by the coup organizers and how the public was hoodwinked in a mind-control operation on a vast scale.  It is not ancient history, for the forces that killed these leaders rule the U.S. today, and their ruthlessness has subsequently informed the actions of almost all political leaders in the years since.  A bullet to the head when you seriously talk about peace and justice is a not so gentle reminder to toe the line or else.

“But the way the CIA took over America in the 1960s is the story of our time,” writes Pease, “and too few recognize this."
As I wrote in a commentary for a post in 2017 regarding the rise of fascism in the USA before we entered WWII:
1938 Man of the Year in the January 2, 1939 issue of Time
 Many fascist capitalists in the evolving deep state at the time became aware that this war offered a splendid opportunity for US world dominance after the war was over. This informal project of the Deep State became known as the American Century, a term that was first coined by fascist-inclined Henry Luce, president of Time, Inc., a major multimedia corporation consisting of numerous mainstream publications, radio projects and newsreels. The publication of this article (by the same name) rallied the fascist wing of the US capitalist ruling class, which had previously hid under the label of "isolationism", to support the war against the Axis powers.
What I don't understand in Curtin's article is the following statement: "All that is now needed is a public tribunal, which is planned for later this year, in which the fundamental, clear-cut facts of these cases are presented to the American public." There have been calls from numerous Americans for Congress to re-open an investigation of these assassinations; but to my knowledge, there hasn't been any planned.