Tuesday, April 16, 2019

VIDEO: How the Pentagon and CIA Push Venezuela Regime-Change Propaganda in Video Games

Click here to access article by Max Blumenthal and Ben Norton from their blog The Grayzone.

I've long been a critic of video war games. It seemed to me that the propaganda agents of the Deep (capitalist) State have used this popular entertainment package designed for youth to prepare them for ongoing wars that they were planning. And, no doubt was in my mind that they would insert their insidious propaganda to further focus the minds of our innocent children's attention on the Empire's "enemies du jour".  All that was needed was a "9/11" type of event. And, sure enough, the 9/11 event happened and our young adults went dutifully off to fight wars in foreign lands because "terrorists" were threatening us. 

The authors report on the involvement of the Pentagon and CIA in video game production.