Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Why the United States has a special relationship with Israel. It’s not the Israeli lobby.

Click here to access article by Stephen Gowans from his blog What's Left. (Edited the first paragraph for greater clarity at 6:27 PM CT.)

I regard this Canadian geopolitical analyst as one of the top geopolitical analysts in the world. Fresh from his research on Israel and the author of a new book Israel: A Beachhead in the Middle East, he offers a rather unique perspective on historical and contemporary issues related to the Empire's colony of mostly European and American Zionist Jews planted in the middle of Arab countries and in a land populated by Palestinians. The Palestinians were no match for Europe's Zionist Jews. 

The book is like a breath of fresh air after breathing the polluted Zionist air (propaganda) for the past 60 years. I highly recommend this book, and have placed it on my recommended books list.

Gowans presents a common misperception of US's relations to Israel followed by his thesis:
In contrast, some people believe that US domination of the Muslim world is traceable to the influence of wealthy Jews and the Jewish lobby on US foreign policy decision-makers, and that, in a world without Israel, the United States would not intervene militarily and politically in the Middle East. ....

The United States has used Israel as an instrument for protecting and advancing its economic and related strategic interests in the Middle East since 1967, when the self-proclaimed Jewish state did a great service to Washington and US oil interests by handily defeating Arab nationalism—which opposed US domination of the region under the slogan “Arab oil for the Arabs” —in the June War.
Zionist have early on allied themselves with powerful capitalist countries: Britain with the 1917 Balfour Declaration, colluding with the Nazis to export European Jews to Israel, and serving vital US interests related to Saudi Arabian oil.