Tuesday, May 7, 2019

A World On Fire: Western Peoples’ Apathy Must End: A Cri de Coeur

Click here to access article by Vanessa Beeley from BSNews. (This was originally posted on Facebook, but I refuse to post articles from that website.)
Of course there are some beautiful souls in all these countries who have stood in solidarity with #Syria but there are also many who are still asleep, who don’t realise that these young men and women are dying for us, not only for Syria. What amazes me is the level of defensiveness in the comments – because this man, who has survived a number of attacks by the terrorists – has dared to openly criticise the people in the West for their passive collusion in the pain of his people. I take full responsibility for my government and their crimes – they would not exist without us and in my very humble opinion, we must start to take responsibility for what happens globally during our lifetime. WE are the change we are searching for, not our governments, not our President, not our pseudo-humanitarian NGOs, not the UN, not any institution that is automatically compromised by its sponsors and its establishment backers.