Saturday, May 25, 2019

Graeme MacQueen Reveals The Anthrax Deception

Click here to access the interview conducted by James Corbett with Graeme MaxQueen, author of The Anthrax Deception

I agree with Corbett that this is an important, well-written, and well-documented book, which I read, about the anthrax attacks of members of Congress immediately following 9/11. The reports we got in corporate media played up the hysteria and then at some point the FBI shut down their investigations, fantastic stories were contrived, and media coverage was quickly dropped. 

Let me be clear, because I've seen this manipulation of the American people since the assassinations of the Jack and Bobbie Kennedy, Malcolm X, Martin Luther King, the very aggressive attacks on the Black Panthers, the "War of Drugs", etc, etc., I knew that this was another false-flag event like 9/11 to stampede Congress into supporting very aggressive foreign policies. 

Our rich and powerful capitalist-fascist masters have succeeded time after time to fool the American people so that now they don't hesitate to spin fantastic tales through their media: "Russiagate", reports of chemical attacks that the Syrian government carried out on their own people, the Empire's efforts to create domestic and foreign "terrorist" attacks to create chaos and fear (the "strategy of tension") domestically, to create their own terrorist army called ISIS to destabilize the Syrian government, and to enhance support for very aggressive attacks on foreign nations starting with Iraq and Afghanistan. Briefly putting aside the outrageous crimes committed by a very well hidden Deep State of major capitalists, I am curious how long my fellow Americans will accept such outrageous operations and tales.