Friday, May 3, 2019

Pentagon Manhunt for Julian Assange Preceded Swedish Rape Allegations

Click here to access article by Ann Garrison from Black Agenda Report

What we are witnessing in the USA is a new version of fascism that has been slicked up by the technological advances in advertising and public relations. This expertise has been used as a means of persuading people to think and act in ways that supported official US domestic agendas and imperialist policies which are always in pursuit of wealth and power for the capitalist class. 

These policies and actions were created by the fascist core of the Deep State, a board of directors of the ruling capitalist class that constructed an empire following WWII. The Deep State lies hidden outside of government, and they consist of top leaders mostly in finance and major corporations. They draw their members from a transnational class of top capitalists in the USA, Britain, and Zionists worldwide. They control the government as well as all other institutions of our nation and the nations of their empire. Their efforts at controlling information has resulted in their takeover of every mainstream media corporation. We are now inundated with fake news. Since WWII they have used these advanced methods of propaganda to support their power and wealth agendas in contrast to the real interests of the people.  To construct their Empire, they have committed all sorts of major crimes only some of which I have revealed in posts from alternative media and my commentaries over the past decade.

Julian Assange has been in the forefront of efforts to counter this comprehensive propaganda campaign in order to bring the truth about the real activities of our fascist government. Hence, he has been enemy number one to the Deep State. Garrison in this article reveals some of the early history of this effort to capture and neutralize him.