Friday, May 24, 2019

The Climate Movement: What Next?

Click here to access article by Clive L. Spash from Wrong Kind of Green.

According to this article, economist Spash was asked to provide comment on the recent Great Transition (Tellus Institute) round-table discussion focused on the climate movement which began with an invited statement from Bill McKibben. Spash in his commentary writes:
The climate movement, like all environmental NGOs, has been subject to the influence of neoliberalism and corporate capture. Neo-liberals love to attack government while totally ignoring the corporate control of the economy. In the USA the extent of government capture is just ignored (from the President down and not just the most recent President either). There is a general failure to link the social and economic to the ecological. Political analysis is lacking, social theory is absent and there are a dearth of substantive ideas as to alternative economies from the existing paradigms of economic growth and price-making markets.

Hence the climate movement promotes price incentives (taxes, carbon trading), innovation and new technologies, commodification of Nature (ecosystems as goods and services, natural capital), offsetting losses of biodiversity and greenhouse gas emissions, and new quantitative measures of growth as progress.
It looks like the answer to the question posed in the headline is: faking progress by our capitalist masters.