Saturday, July 27, 2019

How Capital Heats the Planet: Introducing Fordulat Journal’s Latest Issue on “Climate Change and Capitalism”

Click here to access a review by Zsolt Kapelner of a recent leftist journal (in Hungarian) devoted to a leftist perspective on climate destabilization. (Once again, I must thank an activist for forwarding this article to me.)

Kapelner's review covers both radical perspectives: that of a bottom-up reconstruction of society and a state structure supported by the people to challenge capital's way of exploiting man and nature to the fullest (a la Cuba). The journal articles also advocate a variety of other schemes to modify capital's normal practices in a last ditch attempt toward sustainable economies.

I have over the life of this weblog (nearly 10 years) gone from pointing out the need to change the system of capitalism which is the fundamental dynamic factor which determines the way we live to urgently advocating a revolutionary necessity to overturn capitalism, and finally to a position that recognizes that it is too late to avoid extinction but we should prepare revolutionary strategies to attack capitalism to punish the class who benefits from it.

I'm no philosopher, but I recognize that humans have evolved from primitive notions of humans as being the center of reality, which gave rise to many supernatural mythologies (religions) to explain this notion, to where we are today: reassuring views emanating from the ruling capitalist class that hijacked science, which emphasized material reality of our existence, to serve their class of people--the owners of our economies. Thus, instead of science being used to serve the health and welfare of people in general, it has been used in a very manipulative way to serve only this tiny class of capitalists at the expense of the rest of humanity and preserving our natural environment. I concluded that this class of people became addicted to the power and wealth that their self-serving system delivered to them. Now we are facing the extinction of nearly all life of our planet Earth.

Because of the time scale of the destruction of our environment is so large in comparison to our human life span, we humans in general failed to discover this destruction until it was nearly at the end stages of catastrophe (about 1970). Yet we still had time to change our fate and we had warnings at the time, but capitalist agents were always urgently motivated to pursue their control of the Earth's population of humans. They downplayed such warnings by obscuring the issues, adding many distractions (wars included), outright censorship of any views of our impending doom, etc.

Now I think it is too late to save ourselves; but in the time remaining, I think that the class has brought this about--the high crime of our extinction in addition to those of many other species--must be punished. I have no doubt as the climate destabilization progresses to dramatic alterations that threaten human life, it will awaken people to the necessity of dramatically altering the way we live in a desperate attempt to save the human species from extinction. But as the environment that supports human life (and that of many other species) begins to dramatically destabilize as it is becoming obvious now, I think it will become increasingly clear to most populations that the class who are responsible for this greatest of all crimes must be punished. Those of us conscious of this end must prepare people for this remaining task. Thus, I see in these journal articles preliminary attempts to do just that.