Wednesday, July 31, 2019

MintCast Interviews Doug Valentine, Author of The Phoenix Program and The CIA as Organized Crime

Click here to hear Whitney Webb of Mint Press News having an insightful interview with Douglas Valentine who has written and revealed so much about the dirty secrets of the CIA. (I must thank an activist for forwarding this article to me.)

Even though the interview last for nearly an hour, I think you will find it very interesting. The CIA has been the main agent of the capitalist ruling class, particularly of the likewise well hidden Deep State which is essentially a board of directors of this nation as well as their US/Anglo/Zionist Empire. 

Although he begins his discourse by stating that the CIA does their subversive work legally, he soon ends up arguing that they "are given a pass" by legal authorities who believe that they are doing their work on behalf of the security of the nation. Of course, they are doing it on behalf of the capitalist ruling class. They and their collaborators are so thoroughly enmeshed in powerful centers in every institution that they now have overwhelming license to do their dirty work. This includes not only high crimes of assassination, drug trafficking, 9/11, etc., but the promotion of every fantastic story that they serve up to their gullible population. I have for some time regarding the USA as a vast open psychiatric ward of delusional people. Valentine explains how this dreadful state of affairs (def.) gradually developed over the years since WWII.