Thursday, July 4, 2019

The plot to keep Jeremy Corbyn out of power

Click here to access article by Jonathan Cook from Countercurrents (based in India, but rather international).

Cook keeps mentioning a "system" that is fundamentally behind the plot to destroy Corbyn as a candidate for Prime Minister of Britain, but never identifies it. What system do you think he is referring to?  And, why do you think he never identifies it?

For example, he writes in the final paragraph:
As long as we colluded in the manufactured consensus of western societies, the system operated without challenge or meaningful dissent. A deeply ideological system destroying the planet was treated as if it was natural, immutable, the summit of human progress, the end of history. Those times are over. Accidents like Corbyn will happen more frequently, as will extreme climate events and economic crises. The power structures in place to prevent such accidents will by necessity grow more ham-fisted, more belligerent, less concealed to get their way. And we might finally understand that a system designed to pacify us while a few grow rich at the expense of our children’s future and our own does not have to continue. That we can raise our voices and loudly say: “No!”