Saturday, August 3, 2019

The Citadels of America’s Elites: Fractured and At Odds with Each Other

Click here to access article by Alastair Crooke from Strategic Culture Foundation.

Crooke, an ex-MI6 (British counterpart to US's CIA) agent, has been following the reports of two journalists from the Financial Times, a key newspaper of US capitalists, and what he writes suggests that the directors of the Deep State in the USA are inclined to aggressively pursue a new cold war with Russia, China, and Iran. Crooke begins his article (it contains a couple typographical errors) with this foreboding statement:
Something is ‘up’. When two Financial Times columnists – pillars of the western Establishment – raise a warning flag, we must take note: Martin Wolf was first off, with a piece dramatically headlined: The looming 100-year, US-China Conflict. No ‘mere’ trade war, he implied, but a full-spectrum struggle. Then his FT colleague Edward Luce, pointed out that Wolf’s “argument is more nuanced than the headline. Having spent part of this week among leading policymakers and thinkers at the annual Aspen Security Forum in Colorado,” Luce[tr] writes, “I am inclined to think Martin was not exaggerating. The speed with which US political leaders of all stripes have united behind the idea of a ‘new cold war’ is something that takes my breath away. Eighteen months ago the phrase was dismissed as fringe scaremongering. Today it is consensus.”
Do I need to argue that regardless of who gets elected as president in America's managed elections in 2020, the winner, like the clownish Trump, must bend to the will of the Deep State or else he/she will be taken out (def.) one way or another?