Monday, September 9, 2019

How Syria Defeated the 2012-2019 Invasion by US & Al-Qaeda

Click here to access article by Eric Zuesse from Strategic Culture Foundation.

"How" to me is not the important part of this article. Rather the well documented article is important because it lays out the realities of the war on Syria as planned mainly by the US, Saudia Arabia, and Turkey. It is a must read especially for people who have any doubts about the coverup of these realities by media corporations in the US/Anglo/Zionist Empire. Only the 9/11 false-flag project was worse (for Americans) as a propaganda coverup to deceive Americans and others in the Empire in order to prepare them for regime change operations in the Middle East. His lead paragraph begins to describe this reality:
At long last, Syria’s army and Russia’s air force are no longer being threatened with World War III by the US and its allies if they proceed to destroy the tens of thousands of Al-Qaida-led jihadists whom the US had helped to train and arm (and had been protecting in Syria ever since December 2012) in order to overthrow Syria’s non-sectarian Government and replace it by a fundamentalist-Sunni Government which the royal Sauds who own Saudi Arabia would appoint. All throughout that war, those Al-Qaeda-led ‘moderate rebels’ had been organized from the governate or province of Idlib (or Idleb). But now, most (if not all) of their leadership are dead.