Monday, September 2, 2019

Justin Trudeau Needs a History Lesson

Click here to access article by Michael Jabara Carley from Voltaire Network (France) and Strategic Culture Foundation (independent weblog based in Russia). 

“History is written by the victors.”, a wise quote attributed to various people. But not only history, and not only victors in a classic war--a ruling class is also a kind of victor: over the other classes. A ruling class puts its stamp on everything: above all culture (art, literature, history), education, media, etc. 

Nowadays the power of the ruling capitalist class has such control of technology--they "own" all of it--that their control and influence shapes nearly everything in an unprecedented scale. Carley only takes issue with current "history" as recently expressed by Justin Trudeau, Prime Minister of Canada. The latter's version of history is the history permitted in all parts of today's US/Anglo/Zionist Empire, and ordinary people in addition to our masters in the ruling class subscribe (def.#1) to it. It is a fake history. A true history can be re-constructed by reading reports of contemporaries (of that period of history) who did not identify with the ruling classes.

Carley, a Canadian intellectual and Marxist scholar historian, corrects only some of the history of WWII, an event that has had profound influence on world political affairs today. Because I have read considerable literature, reports, and research about what led to this major war, I thoroughly endorse Carley's version of this part of history. 

Because he couldn't write a comprehensive history of this war in a single article, I am concerned that his brief references to Winston Churchill, Prime Minister of the British Empire during WWII, will lead people to believe positive feelings regarding his role. Churchill was a classic British imperialist. His only concern preceding and throughout the war was the preservation of the British Empire. Germany was a competitor. Immediately after the war, he led the efforts to gather support for his other obsession:  hostility to the Soviet Union. The Soviets tried to establish a non-capitalist nation.