Sunday, September 15, 2019

The New Cold War Against China

Click one of the following links to access an article by Fred Goldstein from either Low-Wage Capitalism or Online University of the Left: Changing Our Thinking, Changing Opinion, Changing the World. (Note: This is an exception to my policy to post articles that are published online within one month--this article is little over this time period. Also, I give two website postings--I normally attempt to give only one that is the source--because some of you, who have been conditioned by Empire propaganda, may be scared off the first website because of its revolutionary symbolism, but not, hopefully, the second website.)

I just discovered these two websites and the article by Goldstein who demonstrates an accurate understanding of China, the capitalist US/Anglo/Zionist Empire, their conflicts, and Chinese-American relations and history. Because the article is logically argued with sound references, it has a ring of authenticity to its explanation of the current economic war with China. See if you agree.
The Trump administration has opened up a tariff war against the PRC, imposing a 25-percent tariff on $250 billion worth of Chinese exports and threatening tariffs on another $300 billion. But there is much more to Washington’s campaign than just tariffs.