Wednesday, September 4, 2019

When is the News Not the News? – #PropagandaWatch

Click here to access a nearly 16 minute video (and show notes) by James Corbett from his website.

Today I received this report via email from Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth, a partner of the University of Alaska (Fairbanks), because I am on their email list. Because it is easiest to dispute of all the lies about the destruction of the World Trade Center (WTC) and the Pentagon, both organizations are challenging the official story of 9/11 regarding the collapse of building #7 of the WTC.

Corbett's limited perspective is a libertarian (American version of that term) which is somewhat different than what the term means in Europe and beyond. Consulting Wikepedia I discovered all kinds of libertarians. I think Corbett's view (even though he is Canadian--Canada is a part of the US/Anglo/Zionist Empire) can be described accordingly as "Individualist anarchism in the United States". His "libertarian" views simply sees, and often reacts negatively to, official authorities which is a very superficial view of government authorities. Likewise his analysis of the banning of the U. of Alaska report by media corporations, is very limited. He can only see some hidden hand which he refers to as "propagandists" who decide on what news is suitable for us to consume. That's it!

I have tried, and largely failed, to influence those who I have personally associated with throughout my long life and those who have wandered onto my website. I have urged them to have a more in-depth view of things by considering a Marxist-influenced take on contemporary global politics. This means taking an historical class structure point of view which is so unfashionable in today's America and throughout much of the capitalist transnational Empire. 

I admit, along with many others, failing to raise the political consciousness of my fellow Americans because of the influence of the powerful and ubiquitous nature of propaganda under the control of our ruling capitalist class. Our masters in this class have thoroughly indoctrinated Americans and much of the world in their view of not only current events, but historical events as well. They have accomplished this with their methods of pervasive mind control, that is, through the use of comprehensive indoctrination, propaganda, fake news, false flags, etc, by agents of the capitalist ruling classes in the Empire.

Also, I dispute Corbett's use of "social construct" as describing the official lies spread by our masters and their corporations since 9/11/2001. The term is defined as "an idea that has been created and accepted by the people in a society". This official version is a private construct. Only a class structure point of view reveals this meaning. Even in his video, he strongly suggests that specific people such as corporate editors decide what is news, and elsewhere he identifies them as simply "propagandists".  But he fails to attribute this to a ruling class. I think Corbett is also a victim of the Empire's comprehensive use of indoctrination and propaganda.