Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Posts I especially recommend for today: Wednesday, October 23, 2019

  • Who lost Russia? Part 1 and Part 2. By William H. Warrick III who is a physician practicing in Florida. Clearly this doctor knows history, but I can't agree with all of the minor details he mentions and the emphasis he puts on these details. From A bird's eye view of the Vineyard.
  • Tipping Points: Could the climate collapse? from Skeptical Science. (Two points: As most people know who follow my weblog, I believe we humans have already moved Earth's biosphere beyond some tipping points and we are destined for extinction. But what do I know? Granted I've been following reports from scientific sources for the past 50 years, but I am no expert. Secondly, I know that all of you will not find any humor in this piece, but I am posting it because many people find it unthinkable to contemplate thoughts about human extinction, and a humorous take on it can influence these people.)