Tuesday, January 14, 2020

An explanation of why I will be emphasizing more posts on the destruction of our Earth's habitat

The lies and confusing information supplied by Western media corporations are becoming overwhelming particularly since the murder of Qassem Suleimani, the beloved anti-terrorist general of Iran. Media corporations are now piling lies upon lies to protect their agenda to crush any opposition to the US/Anglo/Zionist world that they serve. I with many others in alternative media have tried (largely in vain) to alert citizens of countries that are ruled by their self-serving capitalist ruling classes to expose these lies. I with only a handful of others have tried to explain what they are doing is logically and inevitably derived from the capitalist system.

I've tried to explain that this Empire was rooted in the outcome of WWII which left the USA relatively undamaged. WWII started as result of support by Western capitalist ruling class for fascist Germany and its aims to counter Bolshevism in the Soviet Union, but the British Empire soon became threatened by the monster that they had co-created. The US capitalist ruling class foresaw their opportunity to establish their own capitalist empire by supporting the British. Later international Jewry associated with the fascist Zionist Movement also joined this embryonic empire after they took over Palestine thanks to the British. Zionist Israel were allowed to join the Empire after demonstrating their fealty and support of Empire objectives in the Middle East.

One of the weapons promulgated by the US ruling class throughout their growing Empire, the nations of which pretended to be democracies, was the systematic use of advanced propaganda methods to persuade their populations to go along with their class ambitions to accumulate wealth and power throughout the world. Logically the Empire pursued policies of containment and roll-back of the Soviet Union and any nation that were attracted to socialist ideas, that is, the public ownership of any significant enterprises. The empire builders with their secret services gradually took over control of all media and entertainment corporations, every other institution including even educational institutions to install fake versions of history and contemporary affairs. The people of the Empire, particularly in the USA, have been saturated so long with capitalist and Empire propaganda that they have been thoroughly indoctrinated to believe in a fake version of their geopolitical world.

With the rise of China, Russia, and Iran and associated countries, who insist on a multi-lateral world, all of which have more mixed economies, the Empire has in past few years experienced dramatic setbacks. The Empire and its ruling capitalist classes are severely threatened by this situation, and their obsession with unimpeded capitalism under their control has brought the world into numerous crises. Added to these crises is contradictory position of capitalism with the health of our Earth's habitat that can support human and many other species. Because the rising countries are devoted to raising the standard of living of their inhabitants, they understandably have mixed feelings about this destruction of the planets ecosystem and their contributions to such destruction by the use of fossil fuels. This, I believe, is a brief description of where we are today.

All of the preceding commentary is supplied to explain why I am overwhelmed with the task of countering the incessant and pervasive propaganda that has led to a warped consciousness of most citizens living in the Empire. Although feel inadequate to free people's consciousness from the Empire's propaganda regarding their political opponents, in future posts I will concentrate more on our understanding of our terminal existence as a species due to the capitalist system's assault on the ecosystem of our planet Earth. 

I will continue to post articles countering only the most outrageous lies. But I advise my readers to follow posts on my recommend list of websites (at the right) to correct the lies, and I recommend following RT (for American readers, I advise following Rich Sanchez news) for more current news of the world.