Thursday, January 9, 2020

As the US/Anglo/Zionist Empire crumbles, we will see increasing chaos

By Ron Horn

The recent assassination of Suleiman, a beloved leader of Iran, by the US continues the desperate coping by the Empire confronted by its own disintegration. There are so many indications that the capitalist Empire is threatened by a myriad of problems. Among these are the European countries which are seeking and implementing cheaper Russian energy and lucrative trade with China, the indebtedness and the problematic economy of the US as depicted by numerous honest articles on the internet (see, for example, Wall Street on Parade), the ongoing conflicts between the Deep State and the Trump administration, the continuing subversion of Bolivia by US agents, the revelations of fake reports by US commanders in Afghanistan as reported by The Washington Post, the ongoing imprisonment and torture of truth-tellers (Assange and Manning), extreme weather events, etc. 

Things could very easily spiral into a nuclear war conflagration. Even if we avert this nightmarish scenario, the Earth's habitat that supports our human species and most others is being destroyed by capitalist ruling classes and their obsession with profits and power.

While enduring all this, most Americans are firming sticking their heads in the sand by mostly believing what their told by media corporations (I include so-called public media corporations like PBS and NPR) and diverting their attention to sport events. In the days ahead we shall see increasing chaos in our lives.