Saturday, January 4, 2020

Posts that I especially recommend today: Saturday, January 4, 2020

With the killing of a high ranking Iran official while visiting Iraq is a signal that the US/Anglo/Zionist Empire is now baring its fascist claws for all to see. Only diehard and thoroughly indoctrinated Americans and their sycophants across the world will be blind from seeing what the last capitalist empire is made of. No, not democracy or the rule of law, but the fascist style of mafia gangsters that capitalists have become. It appears that our capitalist masters have decided to use violence against their resisting enemies to prolong their rule and have abandoned their quest to overcome the more powerful environmental threats of nature. They know something that most of us do not: they cannot defeat nature. But it's a pity that we will go down with them.

These are today's posts mostly about our descent into the gangster world: