Monday, March 16, 2020

Posts that I especially recommend today: Monday, March 16, 2020

  • The Surrealism of the Information War by Gilbert Mercier from News Junkie Post. (Note: Mercier uses this article to point to other insightful articles that the author has produced in order to keep us focused on the real capitalist plague that will end in our vanishing as a species. If the efforts to combat this latest virus had been applied to ending capitalist ruling classes' assault of the Earth, we might have been able to save our human species (and most other species). But that would have caused the end of capitalism and its ruling classes. The latter have given, and continue to give, greater priority to their rule than they do to all living species on planet Earth.)
In their confusion and thirst for truth, people get caught like flies on tasty propaganda glue. The intricate labyrinths built by the information warriors prevent the real discourse, which should be about how to survive the imminent systemic collapse of global capitalism. It cannot be otherwise when global corporate imperialism itself controls the discourse worldwide. Hypnotized by a myriad of vanishing points, humans might be on a course to vanish.
My commentary: While people are currently absorbed in the current crisis of coronavirus, they shouldn't forget about other issues related to crucial propaganda products serving our masters in the US/Anglo/Zionist Empire. Gowans, a top geopoitical Canadian analyst who knows real history, takes apart much of the propaganda laden history relating to Korea of the 20th and 21st centuries. In this rather lengthy article he reveals the true nature of this history which is very much alive today not only in Korea, but those classified as "enemies" in the rest of the world that the Empire is confronting. I have read Bruce Cumings excellent two volumes on Korea (look in the recommended books section of this weblog for volume 1) that he mentions in the article as a basis of my knowledge about the true history of the Korean conflict. 
  • The Bush Administration’s Secret Biowarfare Agenda by Stephen Lendman from a re-posted article in Global Research. (Note: This article outlines the extensive history of US biowarfare programs (as of 2008) not only associated with the "Bush administration", but to all US administrations since the Empire was launched after WWII. Lendman gives little emphasis on biowarfare used by the US during the Korean War. I recommend reading a book entitled This Must Be the Place by Dave Chaddock to inform you about this history.)