Thursday, April 2, 2020

Posts that I especially recommend today: Thursday, April 2, 2020

  • Fired Amazon Strike Leader Has Powerful Message featuring Jimmy Dore (of The Jimmy Dore Show) interviewing Christian Smalls (via YouTube), the Amazon supervisor who was fired by Amazon for trying to protect his fellow workers, and explaining his experience related to the firing. If you liked this, you might be interested in Dore's post entitled "Workers Are Striking From Coast To Coast!!" in which he reports that workers are striking without union support all across America, and vents his anger.
My commentary: One thing I've noticed in both corporate media and government actions is that nothing has changed with either of them during this pandemic. They're both continuing as usual: media corporations like CNN, MSNBC, PBS, etc. are continuing their anti-Trump bias and Fox News is continuing showing various members of the Trump administration bloviating how great they are doing. Meanwhile, the government continues its assault on Venezuela, Iran, and China via increasing sanctions and threats. Domestically the Trump administration continues to weaken environmental protections. And, last but not least. the Fed is using the the crisis to bail out major banks while putting our nation (that's us) deeper in debt.