Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Posts that I especially recommend today: Tuesday, May 5, 2020

  • The Sleeping Giant by Caitlin Johnstone from her weblog. (Note: This is a political allegory. See if you can identify the referents to the characters. Also notice that it is unfinished. What will the giant do the next time he wakes up? Only the future will tell. But you are a tiny cell of that giant, or should be, as an informed activist. What will you do?)
  • The scarring by Michael Roberts from his weblog. (Note: This is how a Marxist economist looks at recessions, and now we are in the "mother of all recessions".)
My reaction: I hope he is right about his optimistic future:
Consistent with the new time we are moving into, a shift in collective consciousness is taking place among large numbers of people all over the world. To accommodate this shift, this new awareness that is slowly emerging, new ways of thinking, new institutions and structures are badly needed, including crucially a radically overhauled socio-economic system. A flexible evolving model anchored in certain Principles of Goodness: Unity, sharing and justice.

This common-sense trinity is interdependent and encourages values of cooperation and understanding, responsibility and tolerance.