Sunday, July 19, 2020

Posts that I especially recommend today: Sunday, July 19, 2020

I am getting sick and tired of pointing to the biases of post WWII intellectuals like Zuesse and now Ehret. Their adoration of FDR is always evident and they stay comfortably away from naming the system. Ehret names the system "oligarchism" to avoid naming it capitalism. His only mention of it is when he quotes WEF (World Economic Forum) head Klaus Schwab who doesn't hesitate to name the system which has given so much wealth and power to his peers. That's right, you have to be a major capitalist or sycophant to name the system. All others must engage in Orwell's "newspeak". This phenomenon is another characteristic of people who have been "educated" in North American educational institutions of higher education since WWII. Bruce Lerro described the purge of leftwing intellectuals during the McCarthy period (early 1950s), and such people nowadays live in fear for their careers if they should take the name "capitalism" in vain (def. #3). Most avoid the term altogether.
The June 3 event named The Great Reset organized by the WEF is another piece of evidence why I think that the current coronavirus pandemic was instigated by agents of the US/Anglo/Zionist Empire. The transnational capitalists have not even blinked at the appearance of this pandemic. All the evidence suggests that they engineered it to solve many of their problems such as a perfect cover for a 2nd bank bailouts by the Federal Reserve, their obsession with getting rid of Trump after the next election, ridding themselves of "useless eaters" (retired workers and the "deplorables"), their attempt to reduce the burden of population on the environment, etc. After the assassinations of the Kennedys, MLK, etc., the phony War of Drugs, 9/11, the Iraq invasions, the phony War on Terrorism, etc, why should we not believe that this pandemic was caused by them?
  • Cogs in the Climate Machine by Julia Steinberger, Swiss-American ecological economist at the University of Leeds, from Scientists’ Warning. (Note: I do not know why there are gaps in this article, but keep scrolling down to the end of the article.)