Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Posts that I especially recommend today: Wednesday, July 29, 2020

  • How to Take Back Control of Your Mind by Cynthia Chung from Strategic Culture Foundation. (My reaction: She mostly addresses, in a somewhat convoluted fashion, the issue of how to brainwash a person, but, I think, not to emphasize methods to  "take back control of your mind". But the lesson is there: that understanding the past can fortify you against this unceasing brainwashing that we are all subject to by living in the capitalist US/Anglo/Zionist Empire where the past is re-written.)
  • The White Black Nationalist Color Revolution by CJ Hopkins from his weblog Consent Factory, Inc. (My reaction: I think Hopkins is too cynical. Okay, so the ruling class has instituted a well-funded and organized color revolution, but the people don't have to go along with their agenda. The suffering people can organize themselves and establish their own agenda independent of the ruling class who want to provoke chaos in order to establish a more overt fascism in their backyard. But are the people capable of doing this? It is too soon to determine the outcome. But just because the ruling class, confident in having brainwashed most Americans, has decided to desperately gamble with stirring up the American people, the latter according to Hopkins should resist this desperate move by quietly submitting to their program.)