Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Posts that I especially recommend today: Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Bevins has learned much about a key event in the establishment of the transnational capitalist (US, Anglo, Zionist) Empire from his research and employment at the LA Times and as a foreign correspondent for the Washington Post, two of the mainstream media corporation complex. But his knowledge has only been obtained 50-60 years after the event which resulted in a million lives lost and another million locked up concentration camps in Indonesia after the CIA coup against President Sukarno. At the time I and a few other anti-capitalist activists knew sparse details of this massacre from reading left-wing publications. We obtained only superficial and propaganda-laced "knowledge" from mainstream corporate media.
The point is this: Much of the foreign crimes of the US/Anglo/Zionist Empire have been covered up, and it takes years of research and foreign travel to piece together the details of this horrendous history of the Empire. Now we face similar events in the USA, but now the agents of this Empire have gained so much successful experience lying to, and censoring information from, ordinary people that they are at a considerable disadvantage. Tony Cartalucci  provides an explaination.