Sunday, July 12, 2020

Posts that I especially recommend today:Sunday, July 12, 2020

In this article Zuesse refers to ordinary citizens who register as "Democrats" in the fake elections that are held in the USA while examining the CIA engineered coup in Ukraine in 2014. Zuesse uses his well-trained skills as an historian to uncover the key true story of what happened in contrast to the fake stories published by media corporations to deceive US citizens. He also cites an obviously CIA written entry for the "Ukrainian Revolution"  in Wikipedia to manipulate public opinion in addition to mainstream media coverage in support of the ruling class's version of events. He accomplishes all of this in a rather short article. Amazing!
  • Iran-China pact turbocharges the New Silk Roads by Pepe Escobar from A bird's eye view of the Vineyard. (Note: Because Asia Times, the original source of the article, is now behind a paywall, I am posting other sources for Escobar's articles appearing on their website.)