Friday, August 14, 2020

Posts that I especially recommend today: Friday, Aug. 14, 2020

This excellent article belongs in the "best posts" category. The Deep State, that is, the billionaire financial and corporate owners of not only our government but much of our nation as well, are pushing a faith-based narrative to encourage us to obey our government authorities uncritically. These authorities and the UN's World Health Organization (WHO) know best, and the best weapon in this WHO sanctioned pandemic is vaccination.

Faith-based authorities have been used by all ruling classes since civilization was established around 10-12 thousand years ago. That is precisely why all ruling classes have used organized religions to bolster their authority. Science, as a rigorous evidence-based knowledge, has gradually freed humanity from the superstitions of religious faith. The Enlightenment period was especially celebrated by freeing humans from faith-based knowledge. Since then the benefit to the welfare of millions across the globe has been obvious. Unfortunately, capitalist ruling classes grew and took over control of governments across the planet, and they readily co-opted organized religions to help them dominate, control, and exploit their populations. Now it is evident that the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, with their substantial contributions, have greatly influenced WHO decisions. The article points to this faith-based knowledge to bolster faith in government authorities which has been supported by incessant propaganda media campaigns.